Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Have You Ever Written to a Congressman?

I could count on one hand the number of letters I have sent to a congressman, but I sent one yesterday.  I know it will do no good so I'm not sure why I sent it.  Here is what I sent:

Dear Mr. Schweikert,

I voted for you in the last election and was thrilled that you won. 

I am 55 years old and have watched the government take the silver out of our money and grow into the voracious monster it is today.  I have studied history and understand how empires die.  Most of them took the silver out of the money, grew enormously, and collapsed from its own weight because of debt.

I am pretty sure we have passed the tipping point and are doomed financially.  The budget bill that will be voted on this Thursday is a joke.  The few billions of cuts are a drop in the bucket.  Sheesh, we had a $188 billion dollar deficit just last month.  What is $38 billion?

I have no doubt that we should cut at least $1 trillion from the budget today, $500 billion minimum.  Even if we cut $500 billion there would obviously still be over $1 trillion in deficit just for this year.  The budget needs to be BALANCED as soon as possible.  Anything else and we are doomed mathematically.

I strongly urge that you vote against this joke of a budget.  The time for action is not six months away, it is now.  I will support you in every way possible.  I personally have no problem with shutting down the government until a balanced budget is passed.  I know that is pie in the sky at the moment, but this budget proposal is a farce.

I might be in the minority on this position, but then again I am excellent at math and understanding economies.  I know I am in the minority there.

Fight the good fight. 


  1. It looks like excessive greed is our demise. We humans seemed destined to repeat the past. It is a tragedy that we never learn for our mistakes.
