Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peter Schiff Was Right, Again

If you haven't seen this video of "experts" ridiculing Peter Schiff four years ago for saying a vicious recession brought on by a collapsing housing market was near, you really should. 


At least Ben Stein has apologized.  For that I respect him. 

Peter Schiff has been a successful financial adviser for many years.  He was promoting the purchase of gold ten years ago when you couldn't give it away under $350/ounce.  He ran unsuccessfully for Senator for the state of Connecticut last year.  He has written Op-Eds for the Wall Street Journal, among others.  He was an adviser to Ron Paul in his presidential bid on 2008.  As the video shows, he was the only person talking reason in these episodes while he was continually laughed at.

Well, Mr. Schiff was right, again. 


Isn't it funny how when somebody is right over and over, they get shunned by the media in general and the government in particular?  How many people do you know who were predicting an economic collapse in 2006, brought on by a housing market collapse?  Yet is congress, the media, or the Obama administration interested in his opinion?  No, no, and hell no.

Why not?  I will leave that to your perception of reality.

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