
monetary base
sum of reserve accounts of financial institutions at Federal Reserve Banks, currency in circulation (currency held by the public and in the vaults of depository institutions). The major source of the adjusted monetary base is federal reserve credit . The monetary base, as the ultimate source of the nation's money supply , is controllable, at least to some degree, by Federal Reserve monetary policy . The adjusted monetary base data is compiled weekly by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and is adjusted seasonally.http://www.allbusiness.com/glossaries/monetary-base/4945463-1.html
So the money supply has gone from 800 billion to 2.3 trillion, almost a triple, yet in the same time gold has only gone from $850 to $1400, not even a double. It looks to me like the upside to gold is still huge with negligible downside. Gold was up 30% last year and silver was up 82%. The train is leaving the station.
Finally, Jon Stewart gets the final word, exposing Bernanke (2009 Time Man of the Year, HAHA), for the lying bastard that he is, and that's his good point.
They aren't printing money, just "expanding the monetary base," through "quantitative easing." All I can say is, Bernanke and the boys must own tons of gold and silver because they are launching it. Just look at the spot prices of gold and silver on the upper right of this page. Still not too late to buy, a no-brainer looking at the above chart. Of course, the chart could always turn around and go back down. HAHA
But never mind, there is no inflation. Move along, there is nothing to see here.
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