Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Adjusted Monetary Base

From the murky bowels of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank itself, I submit the Adjusted Monetary Base:


monetary base
sum of reserve accounts of financial institutions at Federal Reserve Banks, currency in circulation (currency held by the public and in the vaults of depository institutions). The major source of the adjusted monetary base is federal reserve credit . The monetary base, as the ultimate source of the nation's money supply , is controllable, at least to some degree, by Federal Reserve monetary policy . The adjusted monetary base data is compiled weekly by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and is adjusted seasonally.

So the money supply has gone from 800 billion to 2.3 trillion, almost a triple, yet in the same time gold has only gone from $850 to $1400, not even a double.  It looks to me like the upside to gold is still huge with negligible downside.  Gold was up 30% last year and silver was up 82%.  The train is leaving the station.

Finally, Jon Stewart gets the final word, exposing Bernanke (2009 Time Man of the Year, HAHA), for the lying bastard that he is, and that's his good point.

They aren't printing money, just "expanding the monetary base," through "quantitative easing."  All I can say is, Bernanke and the boys must own tons of gold and silver because they are launching it.  Just look at the spot prices of gold and silver on the upper right of this page.  Still not too late to buy, a no-brainer looking at the above chart.  Of course, the chart could always turn around and go back down.  HAHA 

But never mind, there is no inflation.  Move along, there is nothing to see here.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Don't Let Wisconsin Divide Us ... Conservatives and Liberals AGREE About the Important Things

I thought this was an interesting article.  Kind of long, but the best explanation of what is going on in Wisconsin.  Full of interesting links.

These two links suggest that two Supreme Court Justices hung out with the billionaire Koch brothers before they allowed unlimited money for campaign funds, and the Kochs are implicated in trying to bust the unions in Wisconsin.

This is from a link in the article also:

But the establishment media wants to make every issue about hate and about division.

I can't even watch cable news on any channel anymore.  It is all sensational emotional bullshit intended to divide.  I now get 90% of my news from  They have been and continue to be ahead of the curve about what is going on and what is coming. 

What is clear and undisputable is that there is virtually no economic recovery going on outside of banking and government, and only Bernie Madoff has gone to jail while trillions of dollars of wealth has been lost.  How can trillions of dollars evaporate without criminal activity?  Not only is there no prosecution, but the perps have been and continue to be rewarded.  It is in the best interests of the ruling elite and the banksters for us to argue and be divided. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Central Planning On The Way

It looks like the Obama administration is set to magically change the way we create mortgages.
"Having taken more than $150 billion in direct taxpayer funds since being seized by the government more than two years ago, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the largest recipients of bailout assistance stemming from the financial crisis of 2007-2009."

Ron Paul tried to stop Fannie, Freddie, and the Federal Reserve and predicted a housing 2003.

The failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is failure because of government interference in the market, not capitalism.  Free market capitalism would not artificially lower interest rates by a central banking cartel and then guarantee all the bad loans by the government.

But then we all know Ron Paul is crazy.

So today we await the new government plan to save us.  After total government failure of managing an entire industry, I have no doubt the new plan will only be more power to the government.  Of course nobody will trust the free market.  Somehow we lived without government interference in the housing market for 140 years.  How do you imagine they survived?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Labor Force Participation Plunges To Fresh 26 Year Low

If there is one thing you can absolutely count on, it is the fact that no numbers from the government can be trusted.

In the last couple of months, official stats claim that unemployment in the U.S. has dropped from 9.8% to 9.4%, and now to 9.0%.  One would think we are in an instant, massive economic recovery.  But as if magic were the most important ingredient in politics, all the government needs to do to make the unemployment number drop is to reduce the number of people in the labor force.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, your tax dollars at work, has determined that 2.1 million people have left the labor pool in just the last year.  By reducing the number in the labor pool, you automatically lower the unemployment rate.  With this method, we could easily drop unemployment to zero.  Shoot, why not even make it a negative number?  It's all magic anyway!

The simple fact, as anyone who actually works anymore knows, the labor situation is the worst of our lifetimes and getting worse.  Unless you count sign-throwing and Wal-Mart to be good jobs.  I do a lot of driving in Scottsdale and it is hard to drive anywhere without seeing sign-throwers.  A lot of these guys are impressive and they work hard for their little bit of money.  I have nothing against them.  But the government actually acts like things are getting better and you are expected to believe it.  All you have to do is keep your eyes closed.

At 55 years of age, I have seen things that many have not.  People my age understand what things used to be like, and our way of life used to be much better.  It might not be so easy to see if you are only in your 20s or 30s.

For instance, only 10 years ago, if you got a bachelor's degree in engineering you could get a good engineering job at Motorola with no experience for $60k/year plus benefits.  We're talking 2 weeks vacation, 5 sick days, 10 holidays, 2 years salary of life insurance, great family health insurance including dental coverage for very little money, etc.

What does the same degree get you today?  It gets you jack, unless you like tossing signs.  It might be understandable if you still had opportunities in other industries, but with the natural forces of supply and demand, when the supply of workers is massively more than available jobs, well, you get the picture.

In the 1960s when I was growing up, 90% of cars on the road were made in America.  And they had V8 motors and were comfortable to ride in.  We made everything.  The only reason ANYBODY didn't have a good job was because they were too lazy to work.  We really did live in the land of opportunity then, although the seeds of the decline were already planted.  If you ask anybody my age when things started to go south, most will say in the mid-1970s.  By the 1980s factories started pulling up stakes and moving out of the country.  We used to be the marvel of the world in the textile and shoe manufacturing business.  I used to work at a shoe factory in Maine in the 1970s.  New England used to be the envy of the world in manufacturing shoes.  I saw the industry dying with my own eyes.  Now those people just toss signs.

So why would the government fudge numbers?  The answer is obvious.

By the way, the number of food stamp recipients continues to skyrocket.  Last month hit another all-time high of 43.6 million, an increase of 400k in just one month.

Arizona, the state I live in, has 16.4% of the population on food stamps, 14.1% for the nation.  But then that number is from the USDA.  Can we believe it? 

As a final note, I was in Chase bank a few days ago and I saw something I still can't believe.  If you get a 13-month CD from Chase, they will give you .6%!  That's right, POINT 6 percent interest.  So if you give them $10,000 for 13 months you will receive $60.  AND THEY ADVERTISE IT ON A SIGN!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Already Record Food Prices Rise By 3.4% In January

Gotta run today, but just so you don't worry, Helicopter Ben and Trichet say there is no inflation.  There is nothing to see here....move along.


And by the way, cotton is higher than it's been for 150 years, and copper is over $4.50/pound, the highest it has ever been.  But rest assured there is no inflation.  Don't ever forget, The Bernank was Time Man Of The Year in 2009.

And then there is this:
Commodities Reach Two-Year High as Global Growth Drives Demand

Good thing they don't track commodities for inflation purposes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peter Schiff Was Right, Again

If you haven't seen this video of "experts" ridiculing Peter Schiff four years ago for saying a vicious recession brought on by a collapsing housing market was near, you really should.

At least Ben Stein has apologized.  For that I respect him. 

Peter Schiff has been a successful financial adviser for many years.  He was promoting the purchase of gold ten years ago when you couldn't give it away under $350/ounce.  He ran unsuccessfully for Senator for the state of Connecticut last year.  He has written Op-Eds for the Wall Street Journal, among others.  He was an adviser to Ron Paul in his presidential bid on 2008.  As the video shows, he was the only person talking reason in these episodes while he was continually laughed at.

Well, Mr. Schiff was right, again.

Isn't it funny how when somebody is right over and over, they get shunned by the media in general and the government in particular?  How many people do you know who were predicting an economic collapse in 2006, brought on by a housing market collapse?  Yet is congress, the media, or the Obama administration interested in his opinion?  No, no, and hell no.

Why not?  I will leave that to your perception of reality.