All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.--John Adams
I have a friend who we will call Mr. Cooney who reveals to me the secrets of the universe. The beautiful thing about is...Mr. Cooney is never wrong. He has a way of seeing through the fog of war and revealing things as they really are, things that are invisible to other people but are the real reason behind things.
Mr. Cooney explained to me today why the people who are passionate about Ron Paul are at odds with the rest of the nation. Since you are reading this page I am sure you have an opinion, but until you can get a 100% track record I will continue to heed the advice of Mr. C., who said:
"There is one core reason that you disagree with Ron Paul: You have no idea how money comes into existence. You therefore by default have no idea whatsoever of the history of money.
"This is easily understandable since the public K-12 schools would never teach it, and the public and private colleges do not even mention the history of money nor how money comes into existence. You have no idea of either, and nobody you know has any idea of either except the people you know who support Ron Paul.
"Furthermore, you couldn't care less about the history of money nor how it comes into existence. If you did you would already know something about it. But you don't think either matters, so you have no incentive to research it.
"Ron Paul has written books on the subject. Moreover, Paul agrees with John Adams, who lived through an inflationary hell. I won't quote the links because you won't read them anyway, you don't care. You don't think it matters.
"The fact is, there have been 599 failed currencies in the history of the world. I won't waste my time giving you that link either because you don't care. This time it is different. The US has the strongest military, the reserve currency of the world that everybody wants, nobody could live without us...and on and on...whatever. Debts don't matter, as Dick Cheney said, remember?
"You see, you can make all the arguments you want, but you still have no idea how money comes into existence and you have zero idea of the history of money. So you have nothing of substance to really back your argument, you are only quoting the obvious at the moment and therefore believe that is how it will always be. You have no history to back your argument because there is none, and you have no math or physics to back your understanding of money or how it is created because you have no understanding of the subject.
"Because you have no understanding of either, you:
1. Think paper money is ok. Gold is archaic.
2. Think deficits don't matter.
3. Think debt doesn't matter.
4. Think inflation and rising prices are as natural as a baby's smile.
5. Think the dollar will be the world's reserve currency, if not forever, at least for your lifetime.
6. Think the United States will always be the strongest military nation in the world.
7. Think the US Constitution is out of date.
8. Have no idea what the US Constitution says about money.
9. Have no idea why the US Constitution was written the way it was, and furthermore, you don't care.
"I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you are in the majority and you will get your way. The United States defaulted on it's obligation to redeem paper dollars for gold 40 years ago and the trends are undeniable. Now we are over $15 trillion in debt, Obama just said we need to raise the debt ceiling again, and still you don't think it matters.
"Inflation stares you in the face every time you go to the grocery store, and still you don't think it matters. There is no point in arguing with you because you don't know. You have no clue about either the history or the creation of money, and you don't think it matters.
"Like Mr. Cooney senior used to say, if you think that attitude will get you places, then go for it."
Most folks are too focused on rotating their hamster wheels to devote any time at all to figuring out why they are on them in the first place.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is the philosophical equivalent of an exit to "Plato's Cave" - you know, the one nobody wants to leave.