Monday, April 18, 2011

Genius vs. Not Genius

This is genius:

George Carlin -Rights and Privileges

This is not genius:

S&P sounds alarm on US debt

"Standard & Poor’s issued a stark warning to Washington on Monday, cutting its outlook on US sovereign debt for the first time and throwing more fuel on the raging debate over America’s swollen deficits.

"The agency kept America’s credit rating at triple A but for the first time since it started rating US debt 70 years ago, cut its outlook from “stable” to “negative”. A negative outlook means there is a one-third chance of a downgrade in the next two years."

In case you don't know, Standard & Poor's was one of the three main rating agencies, paid for by the banksters of course, that was rating all the mortgage trash as AAA so cities in places like Norway would invest in them, with borrowed money, of course.  And of course, nobody was prosecuted.  So only NOW they threaten to maybe downgrade US debt in a couple of years.  haha  1/3 chance.  Can't make this shit up.  Why anyone would trust anything from Standard & Poor's is a subject for studying mental illness.  Why anyone would think US Debt is AAA would be chapter number two.

On this nonsense, the DOW sold off 140 points while gold, big surprise, finished at yet another all-time high of $1496.90, silver at $43.40.  Thanks again Bernanke, you low-life poor excuse for a Princeton idiot!  Print up some more money, I double-dare ya!  I piss on your Princeton textbooks that call gold a "barbarous relic."  haha

If I ever met The Bernank I would suggest that when he dies he should select cremation.  Burying him would only give a generation of Baby Boomers a good place to take a piss.  But first I would tell him to print some more money.  And I would tell congress to never cut spending.  haha  This investing stuff is easy.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't there a song called "Everything that Glitters is Gold"?
